Rules of Thumb NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 December 4, 1992 NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS is terminal and printer emulation software that provides access to SNA mainframes and IBM AS/400 minicomputers for PC, PS/2, and compatible workstations on a NetWare LAN. Workstation access to the host is provided through a NetWare communications server running NetWare for SAA. NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 supports up to five concurrent host display or printer sessions, and provides an Advanced Program-to- Program Communications (APPC) interface for NetWare LU6.2 support. It also includes file transfer and keyboard mapping software. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 includes an installation utility. The workstation software is shipped on a number of installation disks. The installation disks require a high density floppy disk drive. For information on installing NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS, see Chapter 1 in the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS Configuration Guide. Disk Space Requirement 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 software requires 2.5MB of disk space. Conventional Memory Requirements - Depending on the workstation's configuration, the minimum amount of memory required for one model 2 session (configured for base attributes) is 154KB. - The memory required for each additional model 2 session is 4KB. - Extended attributes require 18KB additional memory. These memory requirements can be significantly reduced if you configure your workstation to use expanded memory, extended memory, or Upper Memory Blocks (UMBs). CONFIGURATION FILE CONVERSION 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 includes a configuration file conversion utility. You can use the Convert utility to convert previous versions of workstation configuration files to v3.0 configuration files. For information on converting your old configuration files, see Chapter 1 in the 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS Configuration Guide. Converted 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v2.0 configuration files are compatible with v3.0. However, if you want to use any of the v3.0 workstation features, you must run the workstation configuration program (WSCONFIG) against these files to configure the new features. SUPPORTED THIRD PARTY APPLICATIONS The following third party applications have been successfully tested with 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0: - Connecting/ROOM v2.0 (Helix Software Company, Inc.) You may run Connecting/ROOM with or without the memory management support in NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0. DOS concurrency must be set to OFF. When you use Connecting/ROOM, you must enter the following command to unload WSLAN: CRLOAD WSEXIT - DisplayWrite v2.0 (IBM) - EASEL v4.2 (Easel Corp.) - Lotus 1-2-3 v3.1 (Lotus Development Corp.) - MOZART v3.0 (Mozart Systems Corp.) - NOW! v1.01 (Attachmate Corp.) - Word v5.0 (Microsoft Corporation) - WordPerfect v5.1 (Word Perfect Corp.) - XCOM 6.2 File Transfer v1.5.3 (Spectrum Concepts, Inc.) SUPPORTED NOVELL SOFTWARE AND APPLICATIONS NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 can coexist with the following Novell software and applications: - IBM AS/400 PC Support client support in NetWare for SAA v1.2 IBM AS/400 PC Support coexists with NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS. DOS concurrency must be off. - LAN Workplace for DOS NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 is compatible with the following Novell software and applications: - NetWare 3270 Vector Graphics Option NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 is compatible only with NetWare 3270 Vector Graphics Option v3.0. If you have a prior version of the Vector Graphics software, you must upgrade to the NetWare 3270 Vector Graphics Option v3.0. You can do so by downloading VECTOR.ZIP (available in NOVLIB Library 9 soon). NOTE: Vector Graphics V3 can not be used with versions 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS prior to V3. Under Windows, run NetWare 3270 Vector Graphics only in full screen mode. When your workstation is in a Vector Graphics session, any DOS application running in the background is suspended. - NetWare Access Services (NAS) v1.22 and above See NetWare Access Server Support later in this document. - NetWare Asynchronous Communication Services (NACS) - NetWare for SAA v1.1 and above - NetWare SNA Links v1.0 - Novell Menu System Supported NetWare 3270 HLLAPI Third Party Applications HLLAPI is an abbreviation for High-Level Language Application Program Interface. NetWare 3270 HLLAPI is one of several application program interfaces (APIs) provided by Novell to accommodate development of micro- to-mainframe applications. NetWare 3270 HLLAPI v3.0 is compatible with the third party applications listed below and may not be compatible with prior versions of these applications: - EASEL v4.2 (Easel Corporation) - MOZART v3.0 (Mozart Systems Corporation) - NOW! v1.01 (Attachmate Corporation) MEMORY MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS You can configure your workstation to use any combination of the following memory management options: - Expanded memory - Extended memory - Expanded memory plus upper memory blocks (UMBs) Novell recommends this memory configuration. - Extended memory plus UMBs - UMBs (without expanded or extended memory) Your workstation memory configuration must be supported by the appropriate configuration statements in your CONFIG.SYS file. Without the correct combination of statements in your CONFIG.SYS file, your workstation cannot implement the workstation's memory configuration, even if the appropriate memory manager software is installed. Configuration Parameters Required for the CONFIG.SYS File Tables 1 through 3 show a set of basic statements to include in your CONFIG.SYS file. The tables provide statements that support the five memory configurations listed above for each of three memory management products: QEMM and the memory management software included with DR DOS 6.0 and MSDOS 5.0. Please refer to the documentation that accompanies the memory management software you are using. Tables 1 through 3 do not show drive or path specifications in the CONFIG.SYS statements. You must customize the statements in your CONFIG.SYS file with the appropriate drive and path specifications for your system. IMPORTANT: Use the information provided in Tables 1 through 3 if you are implementing memory management with NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS for the first time. If your site has already implemented memory management, the statements shown in the tables may not be applicable. Table 1 DR DOS 6.0 Memory Management Parameters for the CONFIG.SYS File Memory Configuration DR DOS 6.0 Expanded only DEVICE=EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO *(1) Extended only DEVICE=EMM386.SYS /F=NONE *(2) Expanded + UMB DEVICE=EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO *(1) Extended + UMB DEVICE=EMM386.SYS /F=NONE *(2) UMB only DEVICE=EMM386.SYS /F=AUTO *(1) *(1) /F=AUTO places the expanded memory frame in the first available 64KB block. *(2) /F=NONE deallocates the expanded memory frame and therefore makes available 64 KB of memory. Table 2 MSDOS 5.0 Memory Management Parameters for the CONFIG.SYS File Memory Configuration MSDOS 5.0 Expanded only DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS *(1) DEVICE=EMM386.EXE RAM DOS=HIGH Extended only DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS1 DOS=HIGH Expanded + UMB DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS DOS=UMB DEVICE=EMM386.EXE RAM DOS=HIGH Extended + UMB DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS1 DOS=UMB DEVICE=EMM386.EXE NOEMS DOS=HIGH UMB only DEVICE=HIMEM.SYS1 DOS=UMB DEVICE=EMM386.EXE RAM DOS=HIGH *(1) For COMPAQ DOS, this parameter is DEVICE=HIMEM.EXE. Table 3 QEMM Memory Management Parameters for the CONFIG.SYS File Memory Configuration QEMM Expanded only DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS DOS=HIGH Extended only DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS NOEMS DOS=HIGH Expanded + UMB DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS RAM DOS=HIGH Extended + UMB DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS RAM NOEMS DOS=HIGH UMB only DEVICE=QEMM386.SYS RAM NOEMS DOS=HIGH Effects of SUPERPCK on Extended Memory Super PC-Kwik (SUPERPCK) is a disk caching program provided by DR DOS. When you invoke SUPERPCK, the program loads the PC-Kwik disk cache. (For details on the syntax of SUPERPCK, see the DRDOS6 Instant Reference.) SUPERPCK's /EM+ switch enables the disk cache to access extended memory. When you use the /EM+ switch, SUPERPCK uses all available extended memory. If you configure the workstation to use extended memory while SUPERPCK's /EM+ switch is enabled, the workstation control program (WSLAN) terminates and displays the following message: ***External Memory Failure*** System Extended Memory driver (XMS) not installed ****Control Program is no longer resident**** If termination occurs, use WSCONFIG to remove extended memory from the configuration; then reload WSLAN. PRINTING RECOMMENDATIONS This section presents information regarding hardware printing and redirectable printing. HARDWARE PRINTING When you select Hardware Printing from the WSCONFIG Printer Options menu, NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS loads its own print driver and directs print jobs to a printer attached to one of the workstation's parallel or serial printer ports. Hardware printing uses interrupts to achieve higher performance. If you select Hardware Printing, be sure that the interrupt request lines assigned to the serial or parallel ports do not conflict with an existing I/O interface card. Printing Screens While Configured for Redirectable Printing When you select Redirectable Printing from WSCONFIG's Printer Options menu, NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS first directs print jobs to parallel printer ports LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3; WSLAN then redirects the jobs (via the CAPTURE command) to a network printer. If you are redirecting print jobs to a NetWare LAN printer and you want to print screens, you must issue the CAPTURE command before you print. As explained in the following sections, the CAPTURE command syntax varies depending on whether you are sharing the print screen port with a DOS session. When a DOS Session Is Configured Issue the CAPTURE command as follows: - Set the correct parallel port number with the LOCAL parameter. - Set a timeout value with the TIMEOUT parameter. - Specify the NOAUTOENDCAP parameter. You can adjust the timeout value by examining your printer output. If the printer output is segmented into several jobs, increase the timeout value. If several jobs are accidentally combined in one printout, decrease the timeout value. We recommend an initial timeout value of 30 seconds. The following example shows a CAPTURE command with the parallel port set to LPT1, NOAUTOENDCAP specified, and the timeout value set to 30 seconds: CAPTURE LOCAL=1 NOAUTOENDCAP TIMEOUT=30 When a DOS Session Is Not Configured When you want to print screens and have configured WSLAN to not include a DOS session, issue the CAPTURE command with the parameters set as follows: - Set the CAPTURE command with the AUTOENDCAP parameter on. - Turn the TIMEOUT parameter off. The following example shows a CAPTURE command with the parallel port set to LPT1, the AUTOENDCAP parameter set to on, and the TIMEOUT parameter set to off: CAPTURE LOCAL=1 AUTOENDCAP TIMEOUT=0 ACCESS SERVER SUPPORT NetWare Access Server software provides remote and local users with the services of a NetWare LAN. The NetWare Access Server provides LAN resources to a remote or local LAN attached IBM PC, PS/2, or compatible or an Apple Macintosh. NetWare Access Server supports up to 16 users simultaneously by using a 386 or 486 CPU to create virtual machines. When remote or local users connect to the Access Server, they can use one or more of the virtual machines to run DOS applications and access the resources of the LAN. Because all processing is handled by the NetWare Access Server, only screen updates and keystrokes travel over the communication medium. If you are using NetWare Access Services v1.22, you must obtain PTF355.ZIP (soon to be available in Library 9. We suggest you use keyboard buffering when running WSLAN over NetWare Access Services. NetWare Access Services does not support WSLAN's automatic ASCII code page detection feature. For information on toggling code page detection on and off, see Chapter 6 in the NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS Configuration Guide. Remote users running NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS can access the NetWare Access Server from a remote PC with OnLAN/PC or a Macintosh with OnLAN/Mac that connects to the NetWare Access Server via asynchronous modems. Local users running NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS can access the NetWare Access Server from a local PC with OnLAN/PC or a Macintosh with OnLAN/Mac that connects to the NetWare Access Server via IPX. NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 does not support access to the NetWare Access Server via a dumb ASCII terminal. NetWare Access Services supports SEND-RECEIVE file transfers and 3270 Model 2 emulation. All the sessions must be configured for base data stream support. NetWare Access Services does not support extended attributes (including APL characters). If you have a VGA or EGA monitor and your session is disconnected while you are running the Keyboard Definition Utility (KEYDEF) in NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS v3.0 over the NetWare Access Server v1.22, run NASGEN. Then configure NetWare Access Services to convert VGA or EGA to CGA. IMPORTANT: Do not run the NetWare Access Services conversion utility to convert VGA or EGA to CGA with a monochrome or CGA Access Server. Running WSLAN Under Windows Novell supports the following functions of NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS in a DOS box in Windows v3.1: - Model 2 emulation - File transfer - Redirectable printing - Hardware printing - Extended memory NOTE: Novell cannot guarantee that NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS will operate in all environments or all configurations. When running the workstation control program (WSLAN) in a DOS box under Windows, observe the following restrictions: - When running WSLAN in a DOS box under Windows, you must exit WSLAN before returning to Windows. To exit WSLAN, press or enter WSEXIT at the command line. - To fully use a DOS session under Windows, you must load WSLAN from the DOS prompt not from a Program Information file (PIF) or via the RUN command. - If you do not have the most current version of VIPX.386 when you bring up WSLAN under Windows, you may receive the following message: Your version of VIPX.386 for Windows is out of date. If you continue to run WSLAN with that version of VIPX.386, problems could occur. Contact your Novell dealer for a later version. - Do not run WSLAN configured for expanded memory or upper memory blocks (UMBs). Doing so causes the workstation to behave unpredictably. You can run WSLAN configured for extended memory. - The Windows DOS box is not fully DOS compatible and does not support the characters used in extended attributes (including APL characters). If you run WSLAN with extended attributes in a DOS box as a window (instead of running WSLAN in full-screen mode), the Operator Information Area (OIA) is corrupted. - Run the NetWare 3270 Vector Graphics Option only in full screen mode. If you attempt to display a 3270 session when you run WSLAN with the Vector Graphics Option in a DOS box as a window, you receive the following error message: You cannot run this application while other high resolution applications are running full screen. The application will be suspended until a low resolution or text application is running full screen. Check the PIF settings to ensure they are correct. Running WSLAN Under IBM OS/2 v2 We do not recommend running NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS in a DOS box under IBM OS/2 v2.0. If you do so, you may experience unpredictable results. Model 5 Emulation Support To accomplish model 5 emulation with any EGA or VGA adapter, the monitor must support the display adapter's horizontal and vertical scan rates. The combination of horizontal and vertical scan rates determines your monitor's resolution. The table below lists Novell's model 5 drivers designed to implement the model 5 support of the listed chip sets and their corresponding display adapters. Refer to the documentation that accompanies your graphics adapter for more information on compatible monitors. Only the Tseng Lab chip set (requiring no driver) and the M5PS2 and M5xPS2 items pertain to current adapters and monitors. The remaining rows refer to older hardware that is no longer purchasable but that may be in your installed base. Novell continues to develop additional model 5 drivers that support the major chip sets found on current adapters. To acquire the most recent drivers, check NetWire NOVLIB Library 9 for the most current program temporary fix (PTF) for NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS (none yet as of November 25, 1992). Model 5 Emulation Support Table ------------------------------- Tseng Lab ET-4000 & ET-3000 Chip Sets ___________________________________________________________________ Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Mode Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- Driver Boca SuperVGA 24H Amdek 432,732,738,817 Not SVGA 05/10 NEC MultiSync II,2A,3D Needed Diamond SpeedSTAR HiColorVGA NEC MultiSync 4FG, 5FG Focus 2 the Max VGA 4000 Orchid ProDesigner II, IIs SOTA Lightning VGA Genoa Super VGA 7900VC Horizontal scan rate: 30.5 Khz/Vertical scan rate: 70 Hz IBM SVGA (Super VGA) Chip Set only available on IBM PS/2 Models 35, 40, 56, and 57 System Board __________________________________________________________________ Driver Monitors Name BIOS Modes Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- M5PS2 14h (2) IBM 8513, 8514, 8515, or 8518 NEC MultiSync II, 2A, 3D M5xPS2* 14h IBM 8513, 8514, 8515 or 8518 Horizontal scan rate: 31.5 Khz/Vertical scan rate: 70.08 Hz * supports International fonts IBM EGA Compatible chip set __________________________________________________________________ Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Modes Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- M5emulti Quadram, 24h with controller Sony MultiScan IBM EGA registers modified M5fmulti* Quadram 24h with controller Sony MultiScan IBM EGA registers modified * supports International fonts IBM EGA compatible chip set by Everex __________________________________________________________________ Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Modes Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- M5Everxe* EV-659 & 0Ah & 0Eh with Sony MultiScan EV-659-01 controller registers modified * supports International fonts IBM VGA compatible chip set __________________________________________________________________ Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Modes Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- M5multi IBM VGA 24h and 51h with NEC MultiSync II, 3D compatible controller registers modified M5xmulti* IBM VGA 24h and 51h with NEC MultiSync II, 3D compatible controller registers modified M5lores IBM VGA 24h and 51h with NEC MultiSync II, 3D compatible controller registers modified M5xlores* IBM VGA 24h and 51h with NEC MultiSync II, 3D compatible controller registers modified * supports International fonts Tseng Lab ET-3000 Chip Set With NEC MultiSync ___________________________________________________________________ Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Mode Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- M5Boca Boca Basic 55h & 57h NEC MultiSync II, 2A, 3D VGA adapter M5xBoca* Boca Basic 55h & 57h NEC MultiSync II, 2A, 3D VGA adapter * supports International fonts Western Digital WD90C00 chip set __________________________________________________________________ Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Modes Supported ------------------------------------------------------------------- M5WD Top Gun 55h & 53h with NEC MultiSync II, 2A, 3D controller registers modified M5xWD* Top Gun 55h & 53h with NEC MultiSync II, 2A, 3D controller registers modified * supports International fonts Tseng Lab VLSI chip set Driver Adapters Monitors Name Supported BIOS Modes Supported M5MONO Tseng VGA 51h controller NEC MultiSync II, 3D Ultrakpak registers modified Hardware Tested for Model 5 Emulation Novell tested NetWare 3270 LAN Workstation for DOS configured for model 5 with the following hardware: - COMPAQ DeskPro 386/33M with the Sony 1304 VGA adapter - NEC PowerMate 386/25S with Western Digital's Paradise adapter and the Sony 1304 VGA adapter - PS/2 model 80 with Ahead Enhancer Z adapter and the Sony 1304 VGA adapter - PS/2 model 57s with the IBM 8414 VGA monitor